compact, self-calibrating, and cloneable,
with tangible ROI and lower TCO

Neolitics’ DNIRA™ is a real-time, in-line process NIRS that delivers the performance and accuracy of a precision laboratory instrument in a compact, robust, in-line design. It’s easy to install and requires virtually no maintenance post-installation, eliminating the time and difficulty required to keep systems calibrated and the difficulty in replicating or scaling applications within a manufacturing environment.

DNIRA’s programmable optics enable cloning, which enables cost-effective distributed process monitoring, and the adaptive nature of the programmable optics facilitates real-time drift analysis and autonomous correction, allowing the unit to maintain calibration over extended periods of time without costly user intervention.

liquid analyzer

For the first time, manufacturing facilities that couldn’t afford to support in-line NIRS analysis have a viable and pragmatic option. Now these facilities can consider smart factory solutions that rely on NIRS.

This is the DNIRA’s advantage!

DNIRA™ Specifications
Instrument Type MOEMS – Digital Micromirror Array
Size (H x W x D) 10” x 8” x 6”
Clearance Height 5” Fiber Lower Side / 4” Power/Comms Left Side
Weight 5.4 kg
Process Compliant Yes
Installation Method Bolt-On, Fiber Tie-In
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 25,000:1 at 0.5 au
Measurement Interval Full Range: ~27 s
Wavelength Accuracy 1.22 nm
Optical Resolution (FWHM) 12 nm
Range 1300 – 2400 nm
Automated Drift Correction Yes
Drift Specification No Drift
Instrument Warm-up Time Not Required

Contact us to learn more about Neolitics’ solutions